Prov 29:18 ‘Where there is no vision, the people perish’ KJV


Become a Volunteer

We value partnerships with volunteer teams to come alongside our Mozambican mentees, and transmit whatever skills you may have. God can use your availability in ways which will really surprise you! Contact us if your church would like to partner with us. Maximum group size 6-8 people.

Become part of our Prayer Chain

We believe that God has called all of us to full time ministry in the Kingdom - so as believers we are already partners. However, if God has laid Mozambique, and our ministry on your heart, we are thankful for your involvement. We appreciate and need your prayer support and a team of intercessors back home, more than anything else. If you can give some time in your week to praying for our ministry, please subscribe to our intercession prayer chain below.

Pro-Vision Mozambique Financial Support

If you would like to become a financial partner with us, herewith the relevant information.
Please note the following carefully, so that your donation is allocated correctly:

Click on the link above and then click on GIVE and follow the instructions.
Please specify one of the two 'support recipient codes' below:

a) H1 Missionary, Harpers Moz

(this is for Mark and Les' personal support)

b) H2 Orphans/ Projects, Moz

(this is for our Mozambique orphans, projects, pastors and missionaries. When asked to give details. please begin your note with Mozambique, and specify the project you would like to support - being: Ears to Heart Audio Scripture; Gospel Bikes; Mosquito Nets for Moms and Babies; Royal Treasures Education; Solar Powered Projectors; Soup for Refugee Children; Other.)

2. USA and worldwide via Orphanos/Kindful

Orphanos is our trusted donor management service, handling the collection and distribution of our funds. They freely offer their services to the Orphanos Missionary partners working with orphans or vulnerable children and we are very appreciative of what they do. 100% of your donation goes to Pro-Visao Moçambique.

Click on the either of the links below to support Mark and Les personally (a) or projects within Pro-Vision (b):

(this is for Mark and Les' personal support)

(this is for our Mozambique projects. After you insert the amount you wish to 'donate', and click on donate, a dropdown box will appear. Please select the project you wish to support: they are listed as: Ears to Heart Audio Scripture; Gospel Bikes; Mosquito Nets for Moms and Babies; Royal Treasures Education; Solar Powered Projectors; Soup for Refugee Children; Other.)

Alternatively, reach out to us and we will reply with details ASAP.

You can contact us by email on or by telegram +258845943199 and we will send you more details.

You can also fill out this form and we will send you the details.

Thank you and God bless you !

We also have a dedicated prayer team. We would LOVE you to join them.
Reach out on the same details if you would like us to add you to the intercession team.

Thanks again from Mark and Les Harper and the Pro-Vision Mozambique team.

Donation Notice
Please advise details of your donation and how you would like it to be used. Thank you for your kindness!

THANK YOU SO MUCH, for your faithful prayer support, financial giving and encouragement.

♥ May the Lord richly bless you ♥​


Click on the image below to view the budget.


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