Pioneer Evangelism and church planters including the LIVESCHOOL digital training of national missionaries, and their practical outreach to unreached areas;
Protection and discipling of children including Sunday School teacher training, the Fathers House network of safe family-based fostering for orphans - God's Royal Treasures, as well as Protective Behaviours, Trauma aware caregivers and Anti-trafficking training for children and their care-givers;
Orphan Sunday International in November each year is celebrated by a growing network of Mozambican churches - working to share the important message that every child needs a loving family, and the church has an important role to embrace, support and collaborate with these Foster and adoptive families for the honour and love of Jesus;
Pro-Vision Mozambique is regularly involved in Mercy Ministry - Preaching in practice, which is showing Christ's love in painful calamities and disaster relief, or community upliftment projects, including Cyclone relief and feeding, refugee relief for Northern Mozambique and support for families struggling economically due to Covid-19 and its effect on the economy. Small agricultural projects (pig farm and fruit and veg) are run to supplement the orphan feeding.
spiritual formation and encouragement, strategic planning, skills development and personal growth in relationships including marriage and family-strengthening
including finances, solar lights, transport for ministry, goods, Bibles and printed materials / studies, networking and equipment, and frequently training
Assisting in the execution of his or her established strategic plan. Having provided the tools, we walk beside the leader, literally and figuratively.
Once an intervention has been created, we scale down our involvement whilst maintaining the relationship, leading to sustainable change and autonomy.