Prov 29:18 ‘Where there is no vision, the people perish’ KJV



National Missionary Training
- Liveschool & Community Bible Study

Mozambique has a secular government and schooling system, but almost 2 decades of forced communist atheist propaganda in schools, has left a largely unreached generation - more so in rural communities lacking schools, where only a few adults in each village are able to read even the simplest text, and where Bibles are hard to find. The church still has a mandate, however, to demonstrate the kingdom of God - His love and light, to orphans and widows and the many vulnerable children living especially in the poverty-stricken and often drought-affected rural areas of Mozambique.
Animism is the official religion of 45% of the population and witchcraft, fear and syncretism in some churches are rife - where people resort back to the witchdoctor in times of crisis while still attending church on Sundays. At the same time, God is performing miracles! A hunger exists in rural communities, to know God and His word - and audio Bibles and basic Community Bible Study materials have a huge impact.
Pro-Vision salutes the brave Mozambican men and woman who sacrifice selflessly - often sleeping under a bush on the roadside, and walking or cycling up to 50km to go and preach the gospel, and plant a Bible believing church. We desire to mentor and support these people.
Pioneer church planters and missionaries are encouraged by prayer, encouraging Scripture messages and sometimes supplying cell phones or airtime, transport, Bibles, translated audio or written Bible studies, Evangelism training and needed equipment. We try to encourage those heroes of faith, taking Christ’s light in sometimes painful and hostile situations at great personal cost.
We use 2 amazing tools for mentoring Pioneer evangelists: World Missions Centre’s LIVE SCHOOL 28-course video materials, which thoroughly prepare National Missionaries for reaching Least reached communities; and Community Bible Studies, whose verse by verse approach, enables new believers recently led to Jesus, to grow, be loved and nurtured in a safe space.
We train facilitators for visionary pastors to host and run their own Missions Schools under the Pro-Vision Umbrella. Join us in the GOD-GIVEN DREAM to see 1 000 Mozambican Missionaries trained in the next 5 years. To date 35 schools are functioning in 8 of the 10 provinces in Mozambique. Liveschool weekly practical outreaches have reached many least-reached communities including Muslim ones, with scores of Muslim-background believers baptised this year, despite the IS extremist attacks. These schools are functioning from Homes and Churches in some of the most difficult to reach areas of Mozambique. One of the facilitators is even reaching into the neighbouring country of Malawi.


If you would like to be a part of blessing these 'Unsung Heroes' with:
a means of transport (donkey cart, motorbike or bicycle);
pocket data projectors, blue-tooth speakers and solar panels;
Bibles and gospel material,
please contact us. The allocation for support is as follows:
  1. Gospel Bikes
  2. Solar Projector Systems
  3. Ears to Heart Audio Scripture



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