December News 2021

Dear friends
We thank God for each one of you. Our prayer for you at this time is that you experience the Lord’s gentle healing touch, in all the bruised and hurting or empty and dry crevices in your soul.

Harpers Happenings October 2021

Dearest friends and family
We decided to do one more ‘Manual’ update, since we have not been able to figure out the glitches in our new mailing system. Our website is up and running though, for which we praise the Lord. Please go to and have a look. There are also some Child protection resources to download if you would like them.

Harpers Happenings May to July 2021

Dear friends and family
Thank you so much for encouraging us in this step of sabbatical refocussing. We have been so blessed with a precious visit with both our sons, our daughter in law and baby grandson and as we bid all of them farewell. Michael is leaving later this month to pursue marriage to his beloved Whitney in Portugal, and together prepare for the ministry the Lord has for them amongst the unreached or as part of a missions support team / school.

Prayers and Praises – our faithful God

Dear friends Thank you, Stephanie, for advice and also thanks so much for praying! PRAYERS 1. Please pray for our training of 3 facilitators from Bandua, Buzi, and 2 from Vilanculos, who we will train as Missions School facilitators this week Thursday through Sunday. 2. Please pray that the funds for cyclone relief given in February, in South Africa, will […]

Introducing Franco Coetzer – Feb 2021

My name is Franco Coetzer and I am a 38 year-old South African called to lifelong mission in Mozambique. As you may already know I was with Hope and Healing Africa before I joined Mark and Les in Pro-Visao Mozambique, under the umbrella of Pro-Vision International. My previous ministry was under the cover of the free Methodist church in the […]

Newsletter December 2020

Highlights this month A wonderful opportunity to mentor N pastors and reach even more of the 9 least-reached people groups in N Mozambique as 14 pastors from 5 Provinces come to Bethel from December to March Grade 7 and 12 and university kids great results and back at school More than 30 churches in 10 provinces ran Orphan Sunday – […]