Prov 29:18 ‘Where there is no vision, the people perish’ KJV


PV Pioneers in Mozambique

Mark and Les Harper have been in Mozambique since 1995, serving since 2014 under Pro-Visão/Pro-Vision Moçambique.

What we do

Pro-Vision Mozambique is called to give glory to God by using the m-cubed model (Mentoring, management and means) to serve and encourage National leaders in one of 3 focus areas :

  • Pioneer Evangelists and church-planters including the LIVESCHOOL digital training of national missionaries, and their practical outreach to unreached areas

  • Protection and disciplining of children including Sunday School teacher training, the Fathers House network of safe family-based fostering for orphans - God's Royal Treasures, as well as Protective Behaviours, Trauma aware caregivers and Anti-trafficking training for children and their care-givers

  • Pro-Vision Mozambique is regularly involved in Mercy Ministry - Preaching in practice, which is showing Christ's love in painful calamities and disaster relief, or community upliftment projects, including Cyclone relief and feeding, refugee relief for N Mozambique and support for families struggling economically due to Covid-19 and its effect on the economy. Small Agricultural projects (pig farm and fruit and veg) are run to supplement the orphan feeding.
  • Who do we work with?

    All over Mozambique, there are pioneering Christian leaders, who selflessly serve their poverty-stricken communities. Our focus is primarily o Gaza province, with planned partnerships in 5 of the other provinces. Intervention in these communities hinges on 2 aspects: 1. The physical concerns of the community need to be addressed 2. The gospel needs to take root to bring about Kingdom living and transformed lives and communities.
    Servant leaders have the spiritual gifts to fulfill their ministry, however they do not have the backing of an organization, and often lack management and administration skills and resources for evangelism and discipleship. Consequently their support base is minimal. Furthermore, most projects are in the early stages of development, having been birthed to meet the needs spawned by political, economic or social change or pandemics such as HIV-Aids, or Covid-19 effects on rural poverty
    Although they have proven vision and leadership ability, many servant leaders lack managerial skills, and resources, or are weary and over-burdened. This is where we try to come alongside in partnership and creative intervention, enabling them to continue in their mission and achieve their vision.
    Priority is given to those serving the community out of an expressed vision or calling to make things better in one or more of the following areas : Evangelism and discipleship in unreached areas, and secondly, practically demonstrating Kingdom principals and Christ's love through ministry to widows, orphans and vulnerable children, including child/ human trafficking. According to James 1:27 'Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this : To look after orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.'
    We seek to support those who fight for justice on behalf of the voiceless victims of child trafficking according to Micah 6:8 'He has told you, Oh man, what is good and what does the Lord require of you, but to do justice, to love kindness and to walk humbly with your God. Orphan Sunday encouraging fostering and adoption into healthy families for the fatherless child to grow and flourish in, as well as upstream prevention of abuse and trafficking through Protective Behaviours training for children , teachers and communities.

    Our core values


    Embracing grace, exercising faith and reflecting Jesus’ love to all people. Living in obedience to God’s word.
    2 corinthians 3:18


    Developing disciplined lives as a necessity to growth in godliness. Committed to the reading of the Scriptures, worship, prayer, fasting, self-control, stewardship, fellowship and the adventure of life in the Spirit.
    1 Timothy 4:7-8


    Obeying the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ. Believing that the Good News of the Kingdom embraces both the eternal and the temporal. Focused on the effectiveness of the message and the messenger through word and deed.
    Matthew 28:18-20


    Developing disciplined lives as a necessity to growth in godliness. Committed to the reading of the Scriptures, worship, prayer, fasting, self-control, stewardship, fellowship and the adventure of life in the Spirit.
    1 Timothy 4:7-8


    Nurturing personal and organizational integrity through a demonstrated commitment to accountability for servant leadership, excellence, professionalism and balanced living.
    1 Corinthians 10:31


    Celebrating life and liberty. Joyful in the reality of God’s Kingdom. Grateful for His grace. Finding every reason for spontaneous celebration.
    Philippians 4:4-9


    What Our Volunteers Say!​

    "God’s Word for all – Time with Mark and Lesley... Xai Xai was an area we never really knew during the years we lived in Mozambique. So, it’s quite amazing that in our sixties, with friends of ours retiring, that God has opened new doors - the Lord indeed moves in interesting ways! Because, through contacting Carol for printing, we found ourselves meeting Mark and Lesley for the first time in February. This was followed by an amazing week as we helped them distribute literature to some of the Shangana speaking people out in the bush; then met local church leaders in Xai Xai, and attended a showing of the Jesus film which brought back memories for us. Mark and Lesley have a vision - for literature to be available, in more languages, to open up God’s precious Word, the Bible, for all people. It’s a vision we share! We therefore pray that, together, we can prepare further material that the Holy Spirit can use to enable many more to know Him. So, let’s all get beside Mark and Lesley, and help see this fulfilled for God’s glory."
    Chris and Cámica
    Gervasio Manave was an invaluable volunteer during the Cyclone Relief of 2019. He writes about his experience : "Eu Gervásio Manave o meu testemunho como voluntário de pro visão em 2019 é: Foi uma benção enorme para mim servir a Deus nesta equipe, foi um tempo que marcou muito a minha vida, foi uma oportunidade que Deus me deu de poder aprender e ser preparado para a sua obra, a obra missionária neste caso, na verdade esse tempo me transformou em um homem muito diferente cheio de amor ao próximo. Apartir de lá em diante a minha vida ministerial não foi mais a mesma."
    Gervasio Manave
    Pro-Visao Volunteer
    The Scholz family came as volunteers to help us with a camp and a clothing and Christmas gift distribution. This is what they had to say: "We, the Scholtz family from Stellenbosch South Africa joined Les and Mark Harper on a Youth camp at Xai-Xai, Mozambique in our winter school holiday, 2018. The journey visiting the mission was positive on so many levels. Mark and Les are the kindest people. Their love and care for the orphans, to witness the joy and partake in the spiritual and emotional growth of the orphans have touched and changed each of us. Les and Mark are like God's arms of love, hope and mercy to the lonely and destitute in Mozambique. It was truely a great and enriching blessing for us to visit them."
    Scholtz family

    Contact Us

    Mark and Les Harper

    Mark tel:   +258 84 870 058


    Les tel:     +258 84 594 3199






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