Newsletter December 2018

Newsletter December 2018

We thank God for His mercy, provision and protection throughout this year, 2018, but especially during the October-November mission of encouragement and support for the Cabo Delgado National pastors and Missionaries, affected by Islamist violence, Cabo Delgado, N Mozambique, and subsequently running a targeted Orphan Sunday program of their own. We thank our Jehovah Jireh for the Isuzu bakkie meeting a great transport and logistical challenge. And above all we thank Him for His faithfulness to the 22 Royal Treasures cared for and mentored through 1-1 discipleship and 9 camps through the year, and for the registration of Mozambique as an independent legal entity with a board of committed, involved Mozambican pastors. The opportunity to learn more about orphan care at CAFO 2018, participate in Orphan Sunday International meetings and a wonderful Orphanos Retreat in USA, as well as presenting the ministry of Pro-Visao Mocambique in some churches and groups of friends in UK and USA has impacted the ministry for the Kingdom and restored much needed focus

PRO-VISAO MOCAMBIQUE – what do we do?
Our vision is to Serve, Servant Leaders who are investing their lives in ministering to Widows and Orphans in their distress as well as Pioneer Evangelism and Discipleship.
We endeavour to serve the Servant Leader through our M Cubed ministry model encompassing Mentoring – Money – Management.
Mentoring, with the aim of encouraging the individual’s spiritual and personal growth and maturity to better know the Father and so to better serve his or her family, ministry and community. This might include some training or counselling or marriage enrichment, as well as other types of spiritual encouragement and development of the leader. It often includes other kinds of training for different ministries in the leader’s church, which form part of his vision example Bible Study leader’s training, or preparing pre-school teachers of Sunday School teachers.
Money or Means, including resources, occasional funding for specific personal or ministry needs, training, materials including Bibles and study materials, Solar lights, mini sound-systems or Data projectors, water supply or filtration, wheelchairs for the handicapped, and especially transport eg Bicycles or motorbikes or a small monetary public transport allowance to ensure that the local visionary leader has the right tools for the job.
Management skills and practical abilities are developed through training, foreign or local courses, and sometimes through calling in an expert to help. The aim is to provide the necessary for the leader to manage his or her ministry.

Some of the activities, we as Pro-Vision pioneers in Mozambique have been involved in over the past 12 months include :

  1. Training Community Bible Study leaders, translating study material and Training and Mentoring pioneer evangelists in rural communities
  2. Supplying Bibles, Audio Bibles and Bible Studies as well as helps like bicycles or occasionally motorised scooters.
  3. Mentoring pioneer evangelists in rural communities, developing leadership skills, and helping in times of emergency and crisis
  4. Training and mentoring Child Evangelists, and Sunday School teachers
  5. Supply of cel phones or Audio Bibles pre-loaded with Scripture and discipleship material in local languages, prioritising the languages where Scripture is not yet completely available and there are no or only a very few believers.
  6. We also try to supply leaders with speakers, solar lights and chargers, and occasional cash for telephone and transport, to enable them to take the gospel to the lost (Operation Blessing).
  • It is SO HARD TO PUT INTO WORDS the respect and compassion we now feel for those working under these most difficult and dangerous of conditions in Northern Mozambique, and the gratitude we feel to God for shaking us up, and moving us out of our comfort zone, to see the bigger picture of HIS HEART FOR THE LOST AND HOPELESS OF MOZAMBIQUE.
    Here is just a list of folk met and encouraged – we believe these meetings were divinely appointed, and are in God’s hands as to how our future mentoring involvement with some of them may look.
    Quarterly Ministry Activities in 2018
    Jan to April 2018
  1. Purchasing of uniform and registration of two more orphans at Kaya ka Tatana for 2018 and preparation of boys and girls sleeping quarters and water supply plumbing
  2. Orphan camps at our home x 2 and 1 at Bethel Centre despite the cessation of funding for camps via Crossroads church
  3. Child Protection Training for Government (Department of Education, Universidade Pedagogica and INDE representatives
  4. Community Bible study leaders training in Maputo and subsequent mentoring of Pastor Sabao from Pemba, Cabo Delgado (Later leading to involvement in encouraging victims of Islamist violence
  5. Rebuilding a block church / cyclone shelter in Makeze, Gaza, for Pastor Sergio (Centre for 12 church plants whose leaders we have historically mentored or are currently mentoring
  6. Preparing materials and making video presentation of ministry for our deputation trip to UK and USA in May
  7. First board meetings in Mozambique in February
    May to August 2018
  8. Deputation trip to UK (7 speaking engagements and a Child trafficking / protection presentation/ opportunity to learn from those more experienced through Wayne’s contact in London, Meeting our PVI representatives, Jack and Dawn Ingles. 3 weeks of deputation in 4 States, followed by the CAFO conference and Orphan Sunday meetings (Mark and Les are Country representatives for Mozambique). Our time ended with a 4 day Spiritual retreat hosted by Orphanos, in Dallas. A true blessing.
  9. Training Sunday school teachers and Child Protection trainers to work in the local primary school in Chicaroa, as part of the one year missions school program of Africa for Christ
  10. 2 camps for Royall treasures (Never to be called ‘Orphans’ again partially sponsored by Xai Xai Beach Bungalows, making them affordable
  11. Pre-School teacher training for 3 churches (Full Gospell, Assemblies of God and Anglican) with Child evangelism and Child protection training
  12. Outreach by Southdale Baptist church (Building work helping to make a bathroom for a local church, benches and a floor for a church pre-school and a dining and homework area for the Royal treasures at Fathers House (Kaya ka Tatana) as well as excellent soccer and evangelism ministry in a local primary school near the church with the building project
  13. The purchase, fitting of a canopy and import of a TRULY WONDERFUL answer to prayer – our 2009 model 4×4 Isuzu double cab bakkie, with 2 winches and a custom made, tougher than usual suspension and bumper.
  14. Mark’s modifications of the solar system for Kaya ka Tatana, and rebuilding of the outreach trailer to cut down its weight,
  15. We have been farming pigs as a way of supplying protein to the orphans in a sustainable manner. 7 Piglets died but another 11 were born and have been used for meat or sold for more pig food
    September to november 2018 (Please forgive the long wait for this newsletter but we were so busy)
  16. Board meetings and registration of Pro Visao Mocambique
  17. Mentoring visit and training for teachers in the remote village of Hungatane near Bala Bala and the supply of blackboards and materials for the schools
  18. Participation in the Rosettenville Baptist GIC in Johannesburg and then the Pro Vision International Board meeting
  19. Mentoring of adolescent Royal Treasures, and 3 camps, one per month, for Royal Treasures. Two were for all the kids, but this past weekend we just mentored the teenagers, which was a wonderful privilege – all said it was the best camp yet ! Glory to Jesus
  20. 1 to 1 discipleship and mentoring of mentees through more formalized questionaires and interviews … both adults and Royal treasures and their care givers were included in this
  21. Further development of the Father’s House farm and the connection of a water supply with a meter and tap on the property
  22. Mentoring of Medical Students with sponsorships from the States, Malachias and Adamo
  23. Trip to encourage and learn from the missionaries working with unreached or little reached moslem people groups in Malawi, Tete, Nampula, and Cabo Delgado, and the development of a muslim-sensitive pamphlet based on the story of Noah
  24. Purchase of buckets and contents, and travel and distribution from 2 towns via local pastors and Christian leaders, who took the blessing and help back to 98 families, victims of Islamist attacks in rural villages of Cabo Delgado
  25. Sunday School teacher training and Child Protection training and distribution of materials in Tete (IRM in the town of Chandame)
  26. LES had malaria on the last 3 days of the trip so return was postponed for recuperation in Inhambane at our friend’s home in Tofo
  27. A staff retreat at Ted and Joy’s beautiful timeshare in Verlorenkloof followed , providing opportunity to share with the wider PVI team and spend time in God’s beautiful creation, before the end of year camp and food distribution for the Royal Treasures and the closing of the Father’s House and the support and mentoring of the care givers who will be caring for the Royal Treasures, but particularly the three with serious medical challenges, during the school holidays
    New Friends encouraged by Geographical Region
    (We are praying for the Lord’s clear leading as to how and with whom to further these encouraging / mentoring relationships as we go into 2019, seeking to keep the rhythm of grace, and only do what the Lord tells us to do, nothing more, and nothing less)


  1. Cabo Delgado :
    Project Pioneer evangelism
    a) Africa wa Yesu : Pioneer evangelism pastor Sinezio and Celina ( (Mocimboa da Praia)
    b) Assembleia de Deus : Pr Luis and Judite Macomia – Pioneer evangelism
    c) Assembleia de Deus e CCM Pr Pedro – Palma
    d) Full Gospel Church of God (IECD) Pr Augusto – Palma
    e) Full Gospel Church of God (IECD) Pr Juma – Macomia Mueda
    f) Baptist Union – Pr Lulama – Mocimboa da Praia – He is also a 2a school teacher who we are mentoring to take the Child Protection curriculum into the schools
    g) Igreja Reformada Palma : Pr Jossias Guambe – pioneer evangelism around Palma
    h) Protecao de Crianca : Igreja Catolica – Padre Ernesto
    i) Missionaries Radio Nuru working in 5 languages : Andries and Sunette Chwartz
    j) Missionaries working with unreached moslem group Mahkwe Andre and Annemarie Thiart
    k) Missionaries working with little reached moslem group Kimwani Johan and Enna Dames
    l) Mozambican National missionary and president of Christian Councel : Pr Alberto Sabao and Angelica – Resident in Pemba
  2. Tete

m) Missionaries Jannie and Susan Smit working with IRM with a coffee farm initiative and Discipleship with local church
n) Igreja Reformada Tete Chandaime : Pr Antonio and Maria – Sunday School training and Child Protection

  1. Nampula
    o) Encouraging of Missionaries Ken and Corine Brown of SIL Learning so much from them and honoured to be their prayer supporters !
  2. Manica
    p) Missionaries Jinx and Dawn Reinecke with AIM (Pioneer evangelism and Child Protection, with proposed focused Child Protection Training and Child Evangelism courses for 2019


  1. Inhambane
    Sunday School Teacher training in partnership with Africa for Christ, Chicoroa
    Child Protection training partnership with SOS Children’s Village Inhambane
  2. Gaza
    a) Project ECD : Mentoring and training pre school Teachers in 7 different villages within a 200 km radius of our home at Bethel
    b) Mentoring and training Child protection Community Mentors to use Protective Behaviours in Primary schools in their area, with Child evangelism through @Carlos Coco kids Club’ on Saturdays – 10 per year
    c) Community Bible Study / discipleship program and mentoring of evangelists with various once off crusades, outreaches or projects (10 per year)
    d) ORPHANS AND WIDOWS PROJECT (Kaya ka Tatana) – we mentor 13 older orphans, and 14 younger children occasionally, through monthly camps in our home or at Bethel Centre which we rent from YFC.
  3. Maputo
    Community Bible Study in partnership with Anglicans
    Community Bible Study in partnership with Full Gospel Church
    Protective Behaviour Child Protection in partnership with SOS Children’s Villages and with Renewed Baptists (Batista Renovada)
    Partnerships with Maputo Government Ministry of Education and Ministry of Social Welfare Project Child Protection
    Mentoring of 3 medical school students (Malaquias – General Medicine, Adamo Chivite (Community Health) and Iva Sergio Cossa (Nursing)

Our hearts are full of thanks right now !

  1. Our son Mike has passed his degree ! Our eldest son and his wife have new jobs at Treverton College in KZN. Lazaro (21 year old Royal treasure has passed his learners license and is learning to drive. God has been so faithful to our sons and to us!
  2. An unexpected donation just arrived, even as our car is in the workshop in Nelspruit, getting tlc after its beating on the terrible roads in Cabo Delgado. Praise God we could pick up the van from Mark’s folks in S.A. since the Toyota bakkie, too, is in for repairs and we have a camp for the adolescent Royal Treasures, starting tomorrow
  3. Praise Jehovah Jireh for funds for school uniform and backpacks, bought in RSA after the PVI staff retreat this past weekend and for 12 food parcels ingredients purchased today, to help tide grannies caring for Royal Treasures over during the long summer holidays
  4. Praise God for one Father’s House treasure safely on ARV’s at last
  5. Praise God for a remarkable improvement in Azaurena’s osteo-TB and much increased mobility. From a wheelchair and Les carrying her into hospital, she is now walking quite well enough to get herself daily to school next year. She has worked so hard in home schooling, but really longs to be a normal social 14 year old
  6. We are all healthy and recovered again after our 8000km trip N and Les’ malaria is over. Our hearts still feel bruised and aching over all we saw and heard up there. Watch this space ! We were able to do a little Sunday School and Child Protection training while up North, and are asking God for more opportunities next year to bless those communities and enable The churches to impact the Society more.
    Pray for
  7. Pray for the Holy Spirit’s anointing on each camp speaker tomorrow, Saturday and Sunday : Les, Hannah, Felicia, Gervasio and Gito, from YFC, who is a guest speaker this time.
  8. Pray for lives transformed and recommitted to Christ…
  9. Pray for wisdom to deal with some of our young adult Royal Treasures who are experimenting with dangerous worldly things and living double lives
  10. Pray for God’s provision for school fees for all the kids for next year
  11. PRAY MOST ERNESTLY FOR AN END TO THE SENSELESS RADICAL ISLAMIST ATTACKS IN N CABO DELGADO, and the many who are grieving for loved ones. Attacks continue even into November despite offers of various foreign governments to get involved. Pray for such courageous missionaries (Schwartz’s, Thiart’s, and Dames) working over radio ( Radio Nuru) and amongst unreached Moslem groups, increasingly open to the love of Christ as violence increases against Christians and non-radical Moslems, alike
  12. Pray for a spirit of prayer and unity to characterize our Pro Vision Mozambique team and board. Mark and I have stepped down from Pro Vision International board. Please pray for the International Board also.

We mentor and disciple a total of 22 children between the ages of 7 and 22, as well as care-givers working with orphans. Anti-trafficking and child protective behaviour are courses we run periodically, as well as how to counsel traumatized children. We care for the grannies / care-givers by supplying food, clothing for the granny and the kids, school supplies and uniform, and medicines for the children.

We host bi-monthly and quarterly camps and sleep-overs in our home for discipleship and nurturing. We attempt to model a home and family life, by celebrating birthdays with cakes (very special to kids), movie nights, chores, woodwork or handcraft projects, cook outs, meals at the dining room table, piano lessons and by being totally “besotted” with individual kids so that they feel special to at least one adult. Medical needs abound with some being long-term challenges, needing sensitivity and commitment for the long haul.


  • As always at this time of year, we try to give each Royal Treasure a special personal gift ,or item of clothing, etc to let them know they are special.
  • January is a really really expensive month for us, as only primary education is free – the annual school fee of 13 boys and girls now in Grade 8 and up, will be due soon, as well as uniforms and school books for the youngsters coming up into Secondary school.
  • At the same time, Lazaro and Marta Cossa are both in their last year of school, and Lazaro has almost finished the practical phase of his driving school (His 21st birthday present from us)
  • We would also like to start a ‘N PASTORS’ fund, to support bereaved families and supply transport funds to the pastors conducting funerals and traveling (in high-risk situations) to encourage the believers and comfort grieving families in Cabo Delgado.
  • We need help with the overwhelming amount of admin it takes to fund and run all of these ministries of encouragement. Please pray for the right people on our team, for more volunteers, and for better time management and rest periods, for us as a couple, and that our strength would be sufficient for our days !
    If you would like to contribute to any of the 4 needs mentioned above, oe know someone who could come now and again and help us with number 5, please let us know. For funding, please use our usual orphanos or Pro-Vision International channels, but please remember to email me so I can look out for the funds, and allocate correctly.



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